Thursday, January 10, 2008

Attention Milbloggers!

Pass this word along! IVAW (Iraq Veterans Against the War) has invited milbloggers, with preference given to those on active duty or who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, to attend and blog from their upcoming Winter Soldier Investigation (March 13-15, Washington).

Army Sergeant of IVAW and I have been discussing this after I made inquiries (also see the comments) about it to IVAW, and he offered to follow up and did so. He has my sincere appreciation for that!

From Army Sgt's statement:

"We welcome bloggers, regardless of political affiliation or stance on the war...

Preference will be given first to active duty military bloggers. Active duty military bloggers, regardless of their stance on the war, will have a seat. Active duty military bloggers unable to afford the financial burden of transportation to DC but still wishing to attend, please contact me at . It will next be given to veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and following that, all other veterans. This is an event by military and former military, and we want to help as many of you get there as possible.

There will, of course, be some criteria and ground rules. If you are active duty, some are waiverable."

Please read those ground rules and criteria. Some are open to a totally subjective interpretation, but do not appear to close the door to at least contact, request and negotiation.


Thus Spake Ortner said...

Are you heading over to this?

Scott said...

I think it's great that IVAW is encouraging bloggers from all backgrounds to attend their Winter Soldier Investigation.