Saturday, March 8, 2008

Rurik is Objecting to Conscientious Objection

Rant, as I should know, is sometimes just rant. However, when done right it is a form of art and leaves a mark!

Rurik at Veteran American Voices - Silent No More delivers some verbal white phosphorous while pointing out the obvious in regard to the large number of Conscientious Objectors in IVAW:
Since 1974 all our soldiers are volunteers. All of them. Our last draftee concluded his active duty under President Ford, and his inactive reserve obligation under Carter. If you don’t believe in war, don’t volunteer for the military. What’s so difficult about that?
Read the whole thing.

1 comment:

Army Sergeant said...

I will point out quickly that many fine conscientious objectors serve proudly in the military and many continue to serve. There are many areas of service which do not require carrying a weapon. Chaplain, medic, etc, are all valuable and necessary fields, and have been manned by many fine COs.